The realm known collectively as "The Five Kingdoms" is a land divided by war, yet united by religion. Comprising of five individual kingdoms, each ruled by its own monarch, these countries vigilantly watch one another as borders are ever-shifting monuments to one victorious battle or another. Each kingdom, though small in scope, has a potential greatness to emerge and rule over the others.
The High Radiant Temple of Sol'Ardor the "Sun King" is the dominant faith across The Five Kingdoms, and the one unifying factor that ties the bellicose countries together. At any given time there is but one spiritual leader, the Patriarch, a supreme priest of great divine power with the ability to call great crusades or decree excommunication.
Having recently expelled, after a century or so of subjugation, a persistent Veshentian invasion, the land of Espada is still not a wholly unified one. Espadans strongly despise the lack of significant support their fellow "Sun King" kingdoms lent during the Veshentian occupation, the blame, mainly credited to a long and weak succession of Lencian Patriarchs. On a positive side, Espada has gained a great national pride, having single handedly driven out the invaders while retaining most of their original borders. In turn this breeds headstrong nobles who demand a say in the nations future. Integral to the reconquest of their kingdom, both Valecia and Madrigal have maintained their independance through might of arms and are ruled by their own kings with their own agendas. Adding to the turmoil, a large population of Veshentians still inhabit the eastern provinces, especially Zarava, the original battlegrounds of the invasion, where the number of foreignors greatly out number the native Espadans.
Of late, Espada's gaze has returned to the west as the fear of a returning Veshentian force wains, freeing the Espadans to concentrate on the neighboring principalities and kingdoms of the "Sun King". None can deny though, that the Veshentians have left a lasting legacy and impact on the Espadan culture and way of war.
The youngest of "The Five Kingdoms", Kaldera is a relative haven away from the internecine warfare of the continent - but is not without its own struggles. The island nation only recently recovered from the devastating Black Death which reduced its population by almost half. Seaborne raids by the fierce clansmen of the Wayward Isles, who pay little more than lip service to the King, have plagued Kaldera for decades and have proven impossible to counter by conquest or the Kalderan fleets. Adding to that is the uneasy truce held with the insular dwarves living in the mountainous regions of Kaldera’s south, a rich source of iron and other precious metals, but a land shrouded in mist and legend. Finally, the province of Kaldor, Kaldera's sole land across the strait, is a precarious hold maintained barely through pre-arrangement or military force.
While the island of Kaldera recuperates from its setbacks, minor struggles have broken out in the pursuit of cultural identity and leadership, with claims to and from the neighboring kingdoms of Vadorlund and Lencia emerging from the island’s tumultuous origins. Regardless, the rich pasture lands in the island's west produce abundant food stocks, and are a commodity too tempting for the other "Sun King" kingdoms to ignore for long.
The kingdom of Lencia shines amongst the Western Kingdoms, much like the sun which adorns its coat of arms. The minstrels of Lencia carry the hopes of all in their songs, where chivalry is the order of the day and glorious knights fight united against a common evil.
While the Kingdoms have fallen to petty squabbles far from this ideal, it is to Lencia that the people look to bring about a new dawn. And he who rules Lencia rules the hearts and minds of all the denizens of the Five Kingdoms.
The lands of Mercanty are ruled by rich Merchant Princes across several city-states. The lands themselves are not bound by ties of nation, but fragile truces and agreements amongst the ruling families. The power of these Merchant Princes is maintained by wealth, cunning, and military prowess.
Currently, the lands are in a time of relative peace as a lull in the constant feuding gives the city-states a chance to recoup their losses and strengthen their resolve before war wages anew.
Hundreds of years ago, generations of barbarian invaders from the region now known as Vadorlund swept through the Kingdoms bringing about an end to the glorious ancient culture that once ruled there. Now, as before, the military prowess of the Vadorlunde is poised to bring the region to its knees.
United under the rule of the feudal Emperor, and supported by the High Council, little stands in their way save for the growing presence of orcish hordes around Vadorlund’s borderlands.
Hundreds of years ago, generations of barbarian invaders from the region now known as Vadorlund swept through the Kingdoms bringing about an end to the glorious ancient culture that once ruled there. Now, as before, the military prowess of the Vadorlunde is poised to bring the region to its knees.
United under the rule of the feudal Emperor and supported by the High Council, little stands in their way save for the growing presence of orcish hordes around Vadorlund’s borderlands.
The High Radiant Temple of Sol'Ardor the "Sun King" is the dominant faith across The Five Kingdoms, and the one unifying factor that ties the bellicose countries together. At any given time there is but one spiritual leader, the Patriarch, a supreme priest of great divine power with the ability to call great crusades or decree excommunication.
Having recently expelled, after a century or so of subjugation, a persistent Veshentian invasion, the land of Espada is still not a wholly unified one. Espadans strongly despise the lack of significant support their fellow "Sun King" kingdoms lent during the Veshentian occupation, the blame, mainly credited to a long and weak succession of Lencian Patriarchs. On a positive side, Espada has gained a great national pride, having single handedly driven out the invaders while retaining most of their original borders. In turn this breeds headstrong nobles who demand a say in the nations future. Integral to the reconquest of their kingdom, both Valecia and Madrigal have maintained their independance through might of arms and are ruled by their own kings with their own agendas. Adding to the turmoil, a large population of Veshentians still inhabit the eastern provinces, especially Zarava, the original battlegrounds of the invasion, where the number of foreignors greatly out number the native Espadans.
Of late, Espada's gaze has returned to the west as the fear of a returning Veshentian force wains, freeing the Espadans to concentrate on the neighboring principalities and kingdoms of the "Sun King". None can deny though, that the Veshentians have left a lasting legacy and impact on the Espadan culture and way of war.
The youngest of "The Five Kingdoms", Kaldera is a relative haven away from the internecine warfare of the continent - but is not without its own struggles. The island nation only recently recovered from the devastating Black Death which reduced its population by almost half. Seaborne raids by the fierce clansmen of the Wayward Isles, who pay little more than lip service to the King, have plagued Kaldera for decades and have proven impossible to counter by conquest or the Kalderan fleets. Adding to that is the uneasy truce held with the insular dwarves living in the mountainous regions of Kaldera’s south, a rich source of iron and other precious metals, but a land shrouded in mist and legend. Finally, the province of Kaldor, Kaldera's sole land across the strait, is a precarious hold maintained barely through pre-arrangement or military force.
While the island of Kaldera recuperates from its setbacks, minor struggles have broken out in the pursuit of cultural identity and leadership, with claims to and from the neighboring kingdoms of Vadorlund and Lencia emerging from the island’s tumultuous origins. Regardless, the rich pasture lands in the island's west produce abundant food stocks, and are a commodity too tempting for the other "Sun King" kingdoms to ignore for long.
The kingdom of Lencia shines amongst the Western Kingdoms, much like the sun which adorns its coat of arms. The minstrels of Lencia carry the hopes of all in their songs, where chivalry is the order of the day and glorious knights fight united against a common evil.
While the Kingdoms have fallen to petty squabbles far from this ideal, it is to Lencia that the people look to bring about a new dawn. And he who rules Lencia rules the hearts and minds of all the denizens of the Five Kingdoms.
The lands of Mercanty are ruled by rich Merchant Princes across several city-states. The lands themselves are not bound by ties of nation, but fragile truces and agreements amongst the ruling families. The power of these Merchant Princes is maintained by wealth, cunning, and military prowess.
Currently, the lands are in a time of relative peace as a lull in the constant feuding gives the city-states a chance to recoup their losses and strengthen their resolve before war wages anew.
Hundreds of years ago, generations of barbarian invaders from the region now known as Vadorlund swept through the Kingdoms bringing about an end to the glorious ancient culture that once ruled there. Now, as before, the military prowess of the Vadorlunde is poised to bring the region to its knees.
United under the rule of the feudal Emperor, and supported by the High Council, little stands in their way save for the growing presence of orcish hordes around Vadorlund’s borderlands.
Hundreds of years ago, generations of barbarian invaders from the region now known as Vadorlund swept through the Kingdoms bringing about an end to the glorious ancient culture that once ruled there. Now, as before, the military prowess of the Vadorlunde is poised to bring the region to its knees.
United under the rule of the feudal Emperor and supported by the High Council, little stands in their way save for the growing presence of orcish hordes around Vadorlund’s borderlands.